

  • Sota Kinoshita, Nobuyuki Yamaguchi, Yuta Kimura, Fuyuki Sato, Shinichiro Otani“High speed calculation method using convolution for calculating normal and disaster costs of buildings with energy generation and storage facilities”,Electronics and Communications in Japan Vol. 106, Issue 3, pp.1-17 


  • 湯浅 一弘, 木下 創太, 山口 順之, 佐藤 冬樹, 大谷 晋一郎,「人員出社必要度を考慮したオフィスビル災害時エネルギーマネジメントの合理化」,電気学会論文誌D,142巻12号,pp.879-890,Dec.2022.
  • 佐藤 冬樹, 山口 順之,「設備運転状態と在室人数を考慮したビルの非日常電力需要の積み上げ推計」,電気学会論文誌D,142巻,12号,pp.907-915,Dec.2022.
  • 神保 玲奈, 山口 順之,真鍋 勇介,「アンモニアの国内製造割合を考慮した発電機起動停止計画モデルの検討」,電気学会論文誌B,143巻,2号,Feb.2023.
  • 木下 創太, 山口 順之, 木村 雄太, 佐藤 冬樹, 大谷 晋一郎,「畳み込み積分による創蓄エネルギー設備を有するビルの平常時・災害時コストの高速計算」,電気学会論文誌D,143巻,3号,pp.205-218.Mar.2023.


  • Kodai Kushino, Nobuyuki Yamaguchi“Designing Distributed Transaction System of Surplus PV Output with Congestion Management using Off-chain and Penalty Token Standard”,CIGRE 2022 Kyoto Symposium, Japan,Apr.2022
  • Ryo Yamashita, Nobuyuki Yamaguchi, Taisuke Masuta, Yusuke Manabe“Analysis of Fast Method of Electricity Prices in Scenarios of High Penetration of Renewable Energy Resources”,The Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Power Systems Technology 2022 (POWERCON 2022),Sep.2022
  • Yudai Kawasaki, Nobuyuki Yamaguchi,“Unit Commitment with Network Topology Optimization Considering Flexibility”,The Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Power Systems Technology 2022 (POWERCON 2022),Sep.2022
  • Fuyuki Sato, Nobuyuki Yamaguchi,“Power Disaggregation Considering Seasonality of Unmonitored Building Facilities”,International Conference on Green Energy, Computing and Sustainable Technology (GECOST 2022),Oct.2022
  • Tsubasa Nagae, Taisuke Masuta, Yusuke Manabe, Nobuyuki Yamaguchi,“Daily Generation Schedule Estimation for the Entire Power System Considering Japanese Electricity Markets”,The Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT-Asia 2022),Nov.2022
  • Rena Jimbo, Nobuyuki Yamaguchi, Yusuke Manabe,“Expanded Hydrogen and Ammonia Power Generation for Hydrogen Storage with Unit Commitment”,IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC) 2022,Dec.2022




  • 「Simulation of Energy Management Considering Remote Work of Office Buildings With Storage Batteries in the Case of Disaster」,2022 International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC-Himeji 2022,分担執筆,2022年5月

